Today I’m going to share with you my Top 3 Tips for Shin Splints.
Shin splints arise from overuse and quickly become chronic and very inflamed! Rest will help this but for only so long until we start to use them again!
These are my best tips to fix those shin splints whilst still being active!
– Shin Splints are an overuse/inflammatory condition – we need to get that inflammation out. 20mins on/40 off
No not on the shin but on your ARCH! We commonly see people that are suffering from shin splints also suffering from flat or pronated arches! Using tape let’s create that “false” arch and take the load off those posterior/calf muscles. Rigid tape is best for this!
Calf Raises!
Anything that arises from an “overuse” problem is most likely due to something working too hard and the other not working hard enough! We need to switch on those deep calf muscles. Make sure we are driving through the balls of our feet and not swinging out! 15-20reps of these – Morning and Night
If you have any questions, comment below and we will get in touch!
Many of you are dealing with headaches on a daily basis and we help people with this particular dysfunction every day!
Ice and Massage balls don’t work for everyone. Try something different with a device everyone will have.
I’m often asked what type of stretches should I do when I am experiencing some neck pain?
Today I am sharing with you my Top 3 Stretches for Neck Pain!